The Bf-108 Taifun was the first stressed-skin general aviation aircraft and was way ahead of its time. The knowledge learned on the Bf-108 was used to design the Bf-109 – The main German fighter of WWII.
Several models were developed. Basically the only difference was the engine and propeller used. I will be modelling the B version with the same argus engine used in the Fieseler Storch. The similarity between the Bf-108-B and Storch cowlings are striking.
The Bf-108 was initially produced in Germany, but later on in the war, in France as the Nord 1002 Pingouin.
Many BF-108’s are still flying today.
Wingspan: 10.5 m
Length: 8.3 m
Height: 2.3m
Weight Empty: 860 kg
Engine: Argus AS10
Max Speed: 315 km/h
Range: 1000 km
Hey Great stuff. I’m designing the same aeroplane to 1/4 scale to scratch build. Just wondered if you could share some of your plans and drawings etc to make my research task easier.
Great work once again. How is it coming along?
What happened? Did you finished the Taifun?