Dansk Luft-Transport

Dansk Luft Transport was founded in 1925 as a direct competitor to the state-owned Det Danske Luftfartsselskab. It was sponsored by the German aircraft manufacturer Junkers, who tried to standardize on a single aircraft for the entire Europe. The company had two Junkers F13 aircrafts and flew daily on the route Copenhagen-Berlin-Dresden.

Through a state-concession, Dansk Luft-Transport was furthermore obliged to service the competitors machines at the DDL run airport. It was not surprising that Dansk Luft-Transport was constantly struggling to get the necessary flying documents and certificates, and the company folded in late 1926.

The picture here shows the Junkers F-13 machine T-DBOT behind the actors Henrik Bentzon and Betty Nansen.

A Junkers F-13 was used in the silent movie “Vester-Vov-Vov” by Fyrtaanet & Bivognen  (Pat & Patachon / Long & Short / Telefonstolpen og Tilhengeren).

Junkers F-13


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