Viking Aeroplan & Motor Co.

Viking Aeroplan & Motor Co. was established during WWI by Erik Hildesheim. Its location was Toldbodgade 2, Copenhagen. It quoted the Royal Danish Army for several aircraft, based on a French design, but none were built. The company did not own any toolshop and the airplanes were to be built at “Københavns Værft og Flydedok” (Copenhagen Shipyard). They did however manage to design a 220HP, 6 cylinder engine that was built by “Maskinfabrikken Atlas”. It was sent to the Naval Shipyard that constructed the OV-series of flying boats for testing, but the company had folded before the engine tests were completed.

Director, Erik Hildesheim, later joined the German company “Rohrbach Metal Aeroplan A/S” – a German company that circumvented the Versailles treaty by building airplanes outside of Germany.


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