Orlogsværftet O-Maskinen

The O-maskinen was designed and built by Flyvetroppernes Værksteder (The Flying Corps’ Toolshops). There were two models of the O-Maskine. I O and II O. I O was a two-seater biplane designed and test-flown during 1926, and the II O was a single-seater. They were mainly used for training purposes, but they could be armed with one fixed and two movable 8mm Madsen machine guns. O-maskinen was painted white and grey except for a brief period before WWII, where the standard Danish Army camouflage colours were used.

The table below shows the specifications.

SpecificationI OII O
ConstructionWelded steel tubing and canvasWelded steel tubing and canvas
Wing span10.66 m10.66m
Length8.4 m8.4 m
Height2.7 m2.7 m
Weight empty1000 kg?
Weight full1400 kg?
Max speed200 km/h?
Cruise Speed150 km/h?
Distance500 km?
Max altitude6000 m?
Armament1 x fixed and 2 x movable 8 mm Madsen Machine Gun 1 x fixed 8 mm Madsen Machine Gun.

I am presently designing a 1:5 remote-controlled model of the O-Maskine. You can see the build-process here.


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